Job advice

Jobs search

How to get your first winter job when you are 16?

So you’re 16 years old and want to take advantage of the next winter season to build a little nest egg? With ski resorts in full swing and stores getting busy with the Christmas period, there are many opportunities. But don’t wait until the last minute to start your search! Here are some tips to […]


A minimum wage of $15 could mean 422,000 jobs lost across Canada

The issue of the $15 minimum wage is on everyone’s lips at the moment: politicians, unions, community organizations, employers and employees, with everyone looking out for themselves. However, a recent study by the Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses (CFIB) gives a rather gloomy picture of the consequences of such an increase. The CFIB examined the […]


Internal candidates: watch out for pitfalls

What a happy surprise to see the job of your dreams posted on your company’s intranet. Be careful though, because what seems to be an opportunity in your eyes could quickly prove to be a disadvantage… How do you prepare and behave for an internal recruitment? What links need to be woven within the company […]

Jobs search

The Art of Regaining Control of your Job Interview

When the recruiter doesn’t ask questions that let you highlight your strong points, how do you turn the job interview to your advantage? Tips. An ability to engage or collaborate, a sense of organization and a spirit of initiative are all important assets for a company. Even though as a candidate you have these valuable […]

Career management

How to Climb the Ladder in the Retail Industry?

How to climb the ladder in the retail industry? Here’s how to do it. Climb the ladder in the retail industry? Yes it’s possible! “In the retail trade, you can make a career with or without training – the main thing is to have the passion,” Félix Bégin, CHRP, starts off, a human resources manager […]

Rights and labour standards

Half of employees shop from the office

The day after Thanksgiving is not the most productive day of the year for employees: 49% of them take advantage of Cyber Monday to shop online from work. Robert Half Technology conducted a survey on the practice of shopping at work in connection with Cyber Monday among 1,400 IT managers and 1,400 employees at least […]

Company life

Music while working – are you in favour of this habit?

Music while working are you in favour of this practice? Do your colleagues’ conversations disturb you, are you having a hard time concentrating, or can you simply not go without music for even a few minutes, so you always work with earbuds in your ears? If so, you are far from being the only one, […]


A job interview in a public place

Don’t be surprised if a recruiter proposes an interview in a public place. He has his reasons (spaces in the company not available, confidentiality of hiring in relation to existing employees or just a desire to make the best use of his time), but you now have new apprehensions: a place to evaluate, what to […]

Job advice

Need career advice? Don’t depend on your friends

“It’s okay to lie on your CV, no one reads them anyway.” This is an example of one of the worst pieces of career advice that workers reported when interviewed by an independent survey firm. This survey, conducted on behalf of Accountemps, got responses from more than 400 Canadians aged 18 or older and who […]


The benefits of e-commerce

Online selling is unavoidable today for businesses of all sizes. But what are its benefits? What are the strategies to adopt to increase sales? To answer these questions, we interviewed Michael Bliah, president and co-founder of Le Site. This Montreal company that specializes in developing online e-commerce websites, has just won the Best B2B User […]

Rights and labour standards

Fired in an cavalier way? What happens next?

There are tons of stories of getting fired offhandedly. When this situation happens to us, we can ask ourselves what is our recourse and how far can businesses go. Exploring the issue. Regardless of individual or massive layoffs, it is always possible to do it by the book. But what are these concrete rules? Golden […]

Company life

Passion at work: a side effect instead of a prerequisite.

We are not born passionate about our work, we become passionate. This idea is countercurrent to our current time’s message “follow your passion” that is posted everywhere from Facebook pages to blogs. But, passion is not the inevitable starting point of professional achievement. Shake up the myth that passion at work makes us happy. This […] network